天主堂消息 ​​11/6/2011

羅省華人天主堂消息 ​​11/6/2011 常年期第卅二主日


1. 請各位教友踴躍支持,本堂於11月19日假蒙市翠亨村舉辦一年一度的籌款晚會,請繼續購買餐劵及抽獎券。有您們的支持,我們堂區的牧民工作及發展才能更有效地進行。
2. “家長祈禱:耶穌,早安!〞已經開始,歡迎家長星期日早上9時30分來聖若瑟樓參加,讓家長一起來為學生祈禱。
3. 基督少青團(TFC)由今主日開始至11日20日將會舉行一年一度的西餅義賣及收集感恩節的糧食,所有籌得捐款及食品將會全郃捐給慈幼聖瑪利聖堂的食物糧倉,幫肋有需要的窮苦人家,敬請各教友高抬貴手,慷慨支持我們少青的熱心活動。
4. 堂區將於12月3日星期六早上9時至下午4時舉辦將臨期中英文退省。中文退省主題為「靈修生活交叉點」,由來自西雅圖的袁銘成執事主講。英文退省主題為 “Incarnational Theology – Implications of God becoming human” ,由來自三藩市的Fr.Franklin Fong 主講。另有為主日學年齡而設的兒童退省。費用為中英文退省$10,兒童退省$5,包午餐。教友可於中英文彌撒後報名參加,或向Eric Li, Daniel Choy, Theresa Ho及 Amy Tsang 聯絡及查詢。
5. 為回應將在11月27日開始的最新修訂的英文經文,由11月6至20日英文歌詠團將與教友一起練習新的Glory to God,the Holy, Holy, Holy,和Memorial Acclamations,敬請教友在主日早上十一時到聖堂與我們一起練習。
6. 小狼隊誠徵隊長Cub Master,職責包括管理和培訓小隊員,安排戶外活動,跟進升級事宜等。童軍總會將為你提供網上和課堂訓練。條件:男教友,願意接受挑戰,有愛心亦有紀律,願意犧牲時間為下一代帶來優質的培育。有意者請與Virginia Wong或神父聯絡。並歡迎參觀我們開會的情況。
7. 恭賀中華聖母聖詠團已選出新一屆職員: 團長 Sarah Pun, 副團長Bruno Sum, 秘書Maggie Tsui, 財政Christina Lam, 及 神修領袖 Savio Chan.
8. 聖家會於十月卅日選出2012 – 2013 年度的職員: (會長) Victoria Huang , (副會長) Maggie Tsui , (秘書) Joseph Ng , (財政) Mimi Kwan , (康樂統籌) Mary Wu, Patrick Yip, 和Daniel Choy . 願主賜給各職員智慧及剛毅為聖家會及堂區盡忠服務.
9. Fr. Carmine Vario因身體健康欠佳,現已轉住Nazareth House,地址為3333 Manning Ave. L.A. CA 90064-4804, / 310-839-2362。
10. 煉靈月紀念先人彌撒意向表已經放於聖堂後面,請各教友填寫並放入箱內。十一月煉靈月將放在祭台上提醒神父及教友為已亡教友獻祭祈禱。


中文彌撒:Thomas Woo, Peggy Yip & Patrick Yip
英文彌撒:Linna Chu & Peter Chung



請為以下病人祈禱:岑謝桂群,Rosa Chan, Benedict Ho,Shirley Wong, Winnie Wong,James Wong,Fr. Carmine Vario。

Papal Intention for November: For the Eastern Churches, that their venerable tradition may be known and appreciated as a spiritual treasure for the entire Church.

St. Bridget’s Chinese Catholic Church Bulletin
The Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Our annual fund raising dinner will be held on Saturday, November 19th, at the Empress Harbor Restaurant in Monterey Park (last year’s site). Please continue your support by purchasing both dinner and raffle tickets. It is only through your support that we can continue our pastoral work and progress for our parish.
2. The “Parents say good morning to Jesus through prayers” program of the C.C.D. has begun. Parents are welcome to come to St. Joseph’s House Sundays at 9:30, and pray together for the students
3. Beginning today and lasting through the 20th, Teens for Christ (TFC) will hold their annual cake sale and food collection for the benefit of the Food Barn of St. Mary’s church. The latter is a sister Salesian church, and the food will be distributed to poor, needy families. Please give your generous support to our young people in this charitable endeavor.
4. Our church will sponsor simultaneous English and Chinese Advent retreats on Saturday December 3rd from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The theme for the Chinese retreat will be “The crossroad of spiritual and physical lives”, and will be conducted by Brother Yuen from Seattle. The theme for the English retreat will be “Incarnational Theology – Implications of God becoming human”, and will be conducted by Father Franklin Fong from San Francisco. In addition, there will be a retreat for CCD-aged children. The cost will be $10 for the English and Chinese retreats, and $5 for the children’s retreat, including lunch. Registration will be taken after both Masses. For details please inquire with Eric Li, Daniel Choy, Theresa Ho, or Amy Tsang.
5. To support the use of the new English translations of the Mass starting November 27th (start of the new liturgical year), the English choir will practice the new Gloria, Sanctus, and Memorial Acclamations at 11 a.m. in the church, today through the 20th. All parishioners are invited to join.
6. The cub scouts are seeking a new cubmaster. Duties include managing and training the cub scouts, and overseeing their promotion to scouts, and arranging for outdoor activities. The Boy Scouts of America will arrange for your internet and classroom training. Qualifications include male parishioner, willingness to accept a challenge, has a loving heart but also discipline, and willingness to sacrifice time for the betterment of the next generation. Anyone interested please contact Virginia Wong or Father Lam, or come visit our meetings.
7. Congratulations to the new officers elected by the Chinese Choir: Chair Sarah Pun, Vice-Chair Bruno Sum, Secretary Maggie Tsui, Treasurer Christina Lam, and Spiritual Director Savio Chan.
8. These officers have been elected for a two year term by the Holy Family Society: Chair Victoria Huang, Vice Chair Maggie Tsui, Secretary Joseph Ng, Treasurer Maggie Kwan, Activity Coordinators Mary Wu, Patrick Yip, and Daniel Choy. May God grant them wisdom and persistence in their service to the Holy Family Society and the parish.
9. Fr. Carmine Vario has moved to Nazareth House due to ill health. The address is 3333 Manning Ave. L.A. CA 90064-4804, the telephone number is 310-839-2361 or 310-839-2362。
10. The forms for prayers for All Souls’ Month have been placed in the foyer. Please fill in and place in the box. They will be placed on the altar to remind Father and the parishioners to pray for the deceased parishioners.

About St Bridget Chinese Catholic Church

羅省華人天主堂 St Bridget Chinese Catholic Church 510 Cottage Home Street Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA Tel: (323) 222-5518
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