

1) Daylight Savings Time begins today.
2) Tomorrow, March 15 Fr. Peter Pong will come from Hong Kong Via Vancouver and will arrive at Los Angeles. He will be quarantined and then come to our church. The Archdiocese appoints him as Associate Pastor. We welcome him.
3) March 19, Friday, is the Feast of St. Joseph, there will be Mass in our church at 7:30 PM. you are all welcome.
4) The 2020 CCALA and St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church donation receipts are available. Some of the receipts were distributed on 1/24/21. Undistributed receipts were mailed out on 1/31/21. If you have not received yours, please contact Maggie Tsui or church office (323 222 5518).
5) Donation receipts for Fr. Lam’s 80th celebration donation was issued in August 2020. Donation receipts for 2020 Walkathon were also mailed out recently. If you have not received yours, please contact Maggie Tsui or church office (323 222 5518).
6) Mary Help of Christians building, and the basketball court are now a construction site. For your safety, please do not enter.
7) According to the instructions given by the Archdiocese, determine by the pastor, Mass can be celebrated indoor/outdoors. All mass attendees must always wear face masks and maintain 6’ social distance. Parishioners who would like to attend Mass in-person, please continue to register.
English Mass:https://forms.gle/34xNDhJvyUHj7t9c7

We rely on the generosity of our parish community to be able to support our ministries, pay our staff and meet our financial obligations. Since the Sunday Mass has been suspended, we would appreciate anything that you can continue to do for your parish. You may make your donation using the following methods:
Via Postal Service:
Make check payable to: SBCCC
Address: 445 Cottage Home Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Via PayPal: Donation can be made through PayPal; the Parish’s account name is: donation@stbridgetccc.org. For those not familiar with PayPal, click on the Donate button link on the Church’s website (https://home.stbridgetccc.com/), donation can be made with credit card. Remember to check the “share your mailing address with St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church” box if you desire to receive donation receipt at year end.
Via Bill Pay: Most banks have the “Bill Pay” feature. You may use this feature to make donation to the Parish. Add “St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church” as a new payee. Address: 445 Cottage Home Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Phone: 323 222 5518. Your bank will send a paper check to the Parish, saving you the trouble of writing and sending a check.


1) 今日夏令時間開始。
2) 明天3月15日龐秉輝神父將由香港經溫哥華﹐下午扺達羅省﹐到慈幼會院隔離後才到本堂工作﹐教區委任他為副本堂神父﹐我們熱心歡迎他。
3) 3月19日(星期五)是大聖若瑟瞻禮﹐晚上七時卅分在本堂有彌撒聖祭﹐歡迎各位教友參加。
4) 2020 堂區及協會的捐献收據己凖備好;也在1/24/21發放給到教堂的教友。未有收到收據的, 我們已在1/31/21寄出, 請留意郵件。如還未收到, 請和Maggie Tsui 或教堂辦公室 (323-222-5518) 聯絡。
5) 2020年 7, 8 月期間為慶祝林神父80歲壽辰的籌款收據已於 2020年8月發出。又10, 11月的步行籌款收據也於最近寄出。如還未收到或遺失的, 請和Maggie Tsui 或教堂辦公室 (323 222 5518) 聯絡。
6) 聖母進教之佑樓和籃球場現在是建築地盤。為你的安全, 請不要進入。
7) 根據教區最新指引,本堂神父可以決定彌撒於室外或室內舉行,教友必須保持社交距離及帶口罩。教友如需參與彌撒,請繼續於網上登記多謝合作。
中文彌撒: https://forms.gle/8jZCHjUzfMKKGnKE9

支票抬頭: SBCCC
地址: 445 Cottage Home Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
網上電子捐獻 經PayPal:
捐獻經PayPal; 堂區的賬號是: donation@stbridgetccc.org. 不熟識 PayPal 的教友, 可在堂區的網站 (https://home.stbridgetccc.com/)按 Donate button 即可。捐獻可用信用卡支付。如要年终的捐獻收據, 請在 “share your mailing address with St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church” 的小方格打勾。
經個人銀行支付 (Bill Pay):
大多銀行有網上付賬的功能. 教友可用此功能捐獻。 加 “St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church” 入 新賬戶; 填上堂區地址: 445 Cottage Home Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. 電話: 323 222 5518 即可。 這個 功能有別於直接過賬, 只是銀行代你郵寄支票到堂區, 省卻你們的麻煩

Saints of this week
1) 3/17 (Wed): St. Patrick (Bishop)
2) 3/18 (Thu): St. Cyril of Jerusalem (Bishop, Doctor)
3) 3/19 (Fri): St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

1) 3月17日(星期三):聖博德意(巴特利爵)(主教)
2) 3月18日(星期四):耶路撒冷的聖濟利祿(主教﹐聖師)
3) 3月19日 (星期五):大聖若瑟(聖母淨配)

About St Bridget Chinese Catholic Church

羅省華人天主堂 St Bridget Chinese Catholic Church 510 Cottage Home Street Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA Tel: (323) 222-5518
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