

1) The Archdiocesan Ethnic Ministry will organize a Mass at the Cathedral on August 27 at 2:30pm, the theme is: “Our Mother, Many Peoples”. You are all welcome.
2) Join us with Clinical Educators from USC Arcadia Hospital to learn what Hands-Only CPR is and how to give it at 10:30am (after Chinese mass) on Aug 28. All ages are welcome to join. (Attn: This is not a certification class)
3) All young adults ages 18+ are invited to the California Chinese Catholic Living Camp (CACCLC) this Labor Day weekend, September 2-5, 2022, in Three Rivers, CA. Fr. Philip Yang, O.S.A. will lead us through the theme of “Cross Culture”. Please contact Cecilia Vong or visit cacclc.org, Facebook, and Instagram (@cacclc) for more information.
4) The cooperator has elected the new officials for the new 3 years terms
• Coordinator: Warren Lee
• Vice Coordinator: Mabel Ngo
• Secretary: Phyvin Mok
• Treasurer: Philip Yuen

We rely on the generosity of our parish community to support our ministries, pay our staff and meet our financial obligations. Due to COVID-19, attendance at Mass has been greatly reduced, we would appreciate your continuous support. You may make your donation using the following methods:
Via Postal Service:
Make check payable to: SBCCC
Address:445 Cottage Home Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Via PayPal:
Donation can be made through PayPal; the Parish’s account name is: donation@stbridgetccc.org. Or click on the Donate button link on the Church’s website (https://home.stbridgetccc.com/), donation
can be made with credit card. Remember to check the “share your mailing address with St.
Bridget Chinese Catholic Church” box if you desire to receive donation receipt at year end.
Via Bill Pay:
Most banks have the “Bill Pay” feature. You may use this feature to make donation to the Parish. Add “St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church” as a new payee. Address: 445 Cottage Home Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.Phone:323 222 5518.Your bank will send a paper check to the Parish, saving you the trouble of writing and sending a check.


1) 教區多元文化將於八月廿七日下午二時卅分在主教座堂舉行彌撒聖祭。主題:「唯一母親﹐許多民族」。歡迎各位教友參加。
2) 加南加大亞凱迪亞醫院(前美以美醫院)的臨床護理教育家將於八月二十八日上午十時三十分(中文彌撒後)親臨聖堂教授及幫助大家了解什麼是徒手按壓式心肺復甦術以及如何進行正確操作。希望大家踴躍參加。(備註: 這不是一個證書課程。)
3) 一年一度的加州華人天主教生活營 (CACCLC) 將會在 9/2 至 9/5 的勞工節長週末在Three Rivers, CA 舉行。今年的主題是「跨文化的認知」,將由 Fr. Philip Yang, O.S.A. 帶領。歡迎所有18歲以上的青年朋友與我們一起共度愉快開心的週末,加深我們的信仰生活,與主相遇。有興趣參加 CACCLC 的本堂教友青年,請直接與 Cecilia Vong 聯絡或到網站 cacclc.org 查詢。
4) 慈幼協進會選出為期三年的新幹事:
• Coordinator: Warren Lee
• Vice Coordinator: Mabel Ngo
• Secretary: Phyvin Mok
• Treasurer: Philip Yuen

地址:445 Cottage Home Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
網上電子捐獻 經PayPal:
捐獻經PayPal; 堂區的賬是: donation@stbridgetccc.org..不熟識 PayPal 的教友, 可在堂區的網站 (https://home.stbridgetccc.com/)按 Donate button 即可。捐獻可用信用卡支付。如要年终的捐獻收據, 請在 “share your mailing address with St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church“ 的小方格打勾。
經個人銀行支付 (Bill Pay):
大多銀行有網上付賬的功能. 教友可用此功能捐 獻。 加 “St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church” 入 新賬戶; 填上堂區地址:445 Cottage Home Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.電話:323 222 5518 即可。 這 功能有別於直接過賬, 只是銀行代你郵寄支票到堂區, 省卻你們的麻煩

Saints of this week
1) 8/22 (Mon): Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2) 8/24 (Wed): St. Bartholomew (Apostle)
3) 8/27 (Sat): St. Monica

1) 8月22日(星期一): 聖母元后
2) 8月24日(星期三): 聖巴爾多祿茂宗徒
3) 8月27日(星期六): 聖莫尼加

About St Bridget Chinese Catholic Church

羅省華人天主堂 St Bridget Chinese Catholic Church 510 Cottage Home Street Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA Tel: (323) 222-5518
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